Contact Chandler Avionics
We're located on the Chandler Municipal Airport (KCHD) at 1725 E Ryan Rd #8, Chandler, AZ 85286.
To help you as you're flying in, we've added some airport data to this page. Note that Chandler Avionics takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the data and all flights should include a thorough pre-flight planning.
CTAF: | 126.1 |
UNICOM: | 122.95 |
ATIS: | 128.325 |
WX AWOS-3PT: | 128.325 (480-814-9952) |
CHANDLER GROUND: [0600-2100] | 124.4 |
CHANDLER TOWER: [0600-2100] | 126.1 ARR N & W, 133.1 ARR S & E 126.1 DEP RY 04L/22R, 133.1 DEP RY 04R/22L |
Field height: 1243'
Pattern height: 2200'
Traffic pattern: 4R - right, 22L - right, 4L - left, 22R - left